Tuesday, July 19, 2011

For Mr. Mike

 Well it has been 4 weeks since we landed in Uganda and the boys were beginning to look very shaggy. Ben found some clippers at Game, our Target here, and thought we should try them. Let us know what you think. I don't think we did that bad.  Ben said no one here knows how it is suppose to look anyway. HAHAHAH! Mr. Mike we will definitely be back to Nexgen in December!
Daddy started and Mommy finished up

So handsome

Daddy's Turn

Laughing at my skills

My Honey


  1. Love those handsome men you got there! Looking good.

  2. You did a great job. Those guys are so handsome you can't mess up too much. Dad says he will wait till you have alittle more experience before making an appointment at Bobo Barbers of Uganda.

  3. Beautiful job!! The Newman boys could not have done any better in spite of all their practice!! I don't think there is anything you can't do!

  4. You might just have to open up a Hair "Saloon" when you return to the US!
