Friday, June 24, 2011

You are Most Welcome!

 Phoebe welcoming us our new home

                                      Some Care Ministry staff greeting us at the new offices
The people of Uganda are a people of hospitality. They go out of their way to make you feel welcomed. They greet and welcome you every time you return to the home. They feed you in abundant amounts. We are being very well taken care of. We are so thankful to the Sozis for making us feel so at home. They are a huge blessing and a vital part of us being here.

We spent the morning shopping at some stores. These stores cater  to Muzungu's (white people). We saw more people who's skin looked like ours today than I saw the whole 10days I was here in October. The stores are big and like stores at home just African, even some of the same brands as home. We then had lunch at a restaurant in one of the shopping centers with Peter's cousin Stephen. Stephen has four daughters our children's age, so a play date is in the works! Next it was off to the Farm and our home. The children needed some down time and to run and play. The Farm is a beautiful place, it reminds me so much of Milton, rolling hills and green. It is so peaceful there.  Peter showed the children the dairy cows and they threw the football. Some rain came in and we all sat on the veranda(porch) of our home and took it all in. I am so looking forward to settling in there. It will be a few weeks still, Ben is having a utility building built to house our electrical things and a washer/dryer. We are also planning on going on Safari next week with our first "vistahs", hooray for some Newmans!!! and then join another group the next week to visit Divine Grace Primary.


  1. We are so happy to see that you ( and all of your luggage :-) ) arrived safely and that you are all doing so well. Love the blog! Hugs to all.

  2. Beautiful people! Dad got home today. Great to see you all on Skype.take it easy, you have lots of time. You are on African time now.

  3. I love that there are some of the same brands there in stores. Elizabeth looks like she belongs in that beautiful skirt!! Cant wait to hear stories of a the safari. Know that we're praying for you. God is so good.
